Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why, Naomi, WHY?!

Okay people. This is something we've all been thinking, but no one has had the balls to say.  So here it is: Dear Naomi Campbell: Retire. Get your ass out of the new issues of  Vogue and Elle and Bazaar, and yes, EVEN Essence. You're stalking me, and I'm sick of it.

Honestly, I'm all for a strong, independent, rich, gorgeous, black model. But really...really?!  I think it's someone else's time to shine.  Now now, don't think I don't realize the beauty and importance of timeless models.  We all know who they are.  Women like Iman Abdulmajid, Elle MacPherson, Alek Wek, Kate moss (the list goes on)--they are supermodels.  People have basically worshipped them since their careers started and will continue to do so until they die. Many have placed Naomi on that same list.  But let's face it.  When fact comes to fact...Naomi is just a hot woman with a photogenic face, almost ten lawsuits, and a habit for slapping bitches and wearing shirts to prove it.

Okay, I'm being harsh.  She has had an amazing career, and I have to confess that her picture has often graced my bedroom walls.  But I can't continue to let this nonsense slide.  It is 2009, and she landed a six page spread in the September issue of Vogue. People, people. this is absurd. Maybe it was Elle. Who cares! The point here is that she should really relinquish some of these jobs to other people--other capable, gorgeous, black, young, models.  Her prime has passed.  Born in '70. I was sick of seeing her face in...uhh '95. And this is saying a lot considering the fact that I'm a 90's baby!
Sure, pass her the occasional Dennis Basso add.  Whatever.  The new Dolce & Gabbana perfume..sure let her in on that because the naked men in the picture make up for it.  But seriously it is time for us all to band together and get this bitch out. Same 
goes for Tyrannasaurus Banks, but we'll save that topic for another day.
Really though, my aim here isn't to send hate mail her way. She's a talented woman. Great accent, perfect skin, flawless weave (What is that by the way?? Horse hair?)... 

Naomi, you're great...really.  You're also filthy rich.  Most people release one or two fragrances. You've released seven. Most people person? No people? You've assaulted five. For God's sake woman. You worked with BIG DADDY KANE. You're old. Go have a baby.

And one last thing, give UP the racist thing. 
 JUUUUST because British Vogue won't let you snag a cover does NOT mean that the world hates black people.  Maybe they just don't want your old ass on the cover of their new magazine featuring new stuff for the new year. You're anything but new.  The racism saga is so old. Be satisfied that you've hit up every other magazine in the world and get on with it.

You've been stalking us all, now leave us alone. 


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