Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Snap, Crackle, POP!

News of the century: Everybody's different. A lot of women on this campus don't wake up, rush to the mirror, and put on makeup everyday, and that's okay. Makeup is often seen as tedious and unnecessary, but guess what? It doesn't have to be!

I look at makeup as an accessory--something you don't need, per se, but something you want. Now, now...I'm not suggesting you wake up thirty minutes early every day and paint your face. Quite the opposite actually! Makeup can take you from drab to fab in about thirty seconds (yes, the application process CAN be fast and easy).

Here are three makeup tips that no woman should live without:

1. Apply a subtle BRONZER/BLUSH. This will liven the whole face, accentuating the cheekbones and making you look more alive (and awake for that next class). Who doesn't want to feel a little sun-kissed?!

2. Lengthen those LASHES! Mascara is a must! Your eyes are one of the first things people notice about you! Accentuate them! Mascara is a must if you want to be bright-eyed without looking like you're trying too hard!

..and finally, for you brave ones out there!

3. Add a POP of color! Whether that is a bright red lipstick or turquoise eyeshadow or liner, you want to be sure to pick a color that works on your skin tone! A dash of color on your face can be tricky, but my advice is to go for it. You can always start subtle, but occasionally being bold with your color choices can really lead you to looking like you know what you're doing in the makeup department. Pick one thing to accentuate and do it up big...and keep in mind that the bolder you go, the more neutral your outfit should be!
