Oh Brad Pitt, I thought you knew better! Sure, Angelina's hot, but draw the line at letting her brand you!
I understand the appeal of tattoos. Sometimes. They allow us to express ourselves and be billboards for our all-important mantras. HOWEVER... this new tattoo Brad is sporting is just not okay with me. Now, I don't know exactly what the tattoo is supposed to mean. Angelina describes it as something she drew--something that is "meaningful in that it's us making angels and shapes out of each other's body."
My question: Why is it on Brad's lower back. Tramp Stamp spot galore.
My qualm: How does drawing ON his back = making a shape OF his back. It doesn't.
Hopefully Angelina's sketch is more accurate than her wordage.
My thoughts? The tattoo is a no-no, not to mention a fashion DON'T! Tsk Tsk Brad.