Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Letter from an Editor

Dear MoHos.

            To be completely honest, I’m expecting some ridicule for starting a blog about fashion on this campus. I’m bracing myself for some sort of comment about how the creators of this blog are superficial, vapid, materialistic, snobby… something along those lines. And that’s all right, criticism comes with new creations. All I ask is that you read our letters before deciding what we may or may not be.

            Yes, Dernier Cri is a blog devoted to fashion. I’ll say it: I LOVE CLOTHES. God, they’re great. Especially at MoHo. You step onto our campus and you’re immediately surrounded by 2000 young women who are dressed in some way that’s entirely their own, often completely unintentionally. There are girls who somehow manage to appear at an 8:30am class perfectly put together, hair done, make-up on, dressed impeccably. Which is always impressive, but for most of us, just not an option (personally, I’m more of a slave to sleep than to fashion). Then there are the girls who just seem to throw on whatever - a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, maybe a jacket, and oh hey, why not a pair of sneakers, too? It may lack sophistication, but it’s still awesome, because it says something about her, about her mood, her day, her interests. There are also the girls who after a week of slouching around in sweats, appear on Friday night decked out in the sexiest thing they own, and they’re suddenly a different person. And that’s what I love about clothes. They change you; they change your mood, change your outlook, change the way other people see you. It’s been said “change your shoes, change your life”, and although I wouldn’t go quite that far, there’s a nugget of truth in that statement.

            There are three of us working on this blog currently. As I said, fashion is our main focus. Campus fashion – clothing, style, and trends that pertain primarily to all of you. However, as much as I appreciate les habillements, I’m going to try to give you a little something extra in my posts as well. A side dish of all sorts of things from today’s pop culture. So, although I’ll be posting about fashion and style on campus, I’ll also be sprinkling some art, music, film, travel, and what-have-you throughout. Basically, anything I believe to be of interest. 

For my first fashion item, I’d like to say one thing. This Fall, FUCK TRENDS. I picked up In Style the other day, followed by Vogue, and both immensely frustrated me. These magazines are works of art, but they’re completely unrealistic! Okay, it’s really awesome that huge, neon fur coats are in this season (only if they’re faux), but let’s be real: I am not going to walk to class in a gigantic, fluffy, fuchsia jacket. So like I said, FUCK TRENDS. Break it down for yourself; take something that's in, but then make it your own. Personally, I found a fur stole in a thrift shop a while back, and it works perfectly over a classic, dark fall jacket. And I plan on wearing it, even though it’s not Day-Glo orange. 



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